

Not Your Body!

I was standing in front of mirror; in minimal clothes, 
staring at my curves just when I heard a shout:
It was my mom.
It's not my body? Then whose is it?
Well ofcourse! Of my parents, my relatives, 
my boyfriend , my future husband , my in-laws 
and last but not the least-My Society.

And what made me think it's mine?
Hide YOUR Cleavage, Cover YOUR legs, Keep YOUR vagina clean,
 Don't sit with YOUR legs apart, Tie up YOUR hair.
Listen babygirl, The parts only belong to you ,
 not This body as a whole!

Don't wear that dress,
 don't show that much skin,
 don't flaunt your curves.
If this is not MY body, 
if I am not allowed to explore it, 
if I can't dress the way I want 
then all of a sudden how does this Body becomes mine 
when someones teases me, harasses my body, 
comments on my body , rapes my body or throws acid on my body?
Why am I held accountable when it is my parents,
 my relatives, my boyfriend,
 my future husband , my in-laws 
and my society is the one 
who failed to protect this Body?


Forever is a Myth.

Happiness fades out,
It's now the greif that shouts
All the pretty things got vanished,
and the beautiful moments that were once Cherished.
In the world where "Forever" is indeed a Lie,
eventually you are left alone to cry.
No one stays, everyone here is Temporary
Brace yourself! because nothing here is Mandatory.


He Grew.

Nothing feels right;
I can't find a solution now,
seems like I am far away from light
can't stop thinking what has happened and how!

He loved me then but his love is not the same;
It's my fault as well, done with the Blame Game.

Don't know why but he's still on my Mind
Indeed , this true love is hard to Find.

He was so kid when I fell in love with him;
kept waiting for his messages 
till the lights got dim.

His replies were fast when the love was New
and then
He Grew.



Life- A Mess;
Complicated more than chess..
don't know where I go wrong 
that I suffer so much
Whenever I try to get happy
Sadness strikes as such

I'm not really sad
I am just done with Things
Even the smallest of the happenings just make me mad
don't know if I constantly have Mood Swings..

I just don't feel like I live like a normal being
I am a slave of This Kingdom
where "Society" is The King
controlling me every now and then
deciding when I can breathe..

No! I am not happy this way
I feel like there is control on my breathe
Sometimes I wonder
There is so much Peace in Death!!


Tell Me…

Tell me how the little flower feels, when it's Sun among the Stars
leaves it when the sky is full of stars
and comes to the flower only when there's no
Star left in the sky;
Tell me if that does not make the Flower Cry?

When it rises for the Flower only when There is no cloud
Tell me if that does not make
the Flower scream loud?

the Flower no more feels like blooming now,
The Sun still doesn't care ... WOW!!

How can it bloom without the warmth of The Sun
the Sun's ignorance heat is now making 
The Little Flower burn;

The Sun is superior ;
it got so many flowers to adore it,
But for the Little Flower
The Sun was The One...